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From a broken childhood to a troubled teen, into the world of adult entertainment and her process into salvation – the unconditional love of Jesus Christ! These are the diaries of an Ex- Adult Entertainer.


A unique heart- stopping journey of loss, abuse, defeat, acceptance, redemption and triumph, New York native Robyn tells the raw uncut story of her life. The natural instinct for survival lands her in the adult entertainment & sex industry. The deception of glamour and grandeur of that life style held her captive for a total of 7 years. Robyn witnesses her sisters molestation then becomes his next victim, she loses her father to drugs, ultimately says her last goodbyes to her mother as her body lies cold in the casket all before entering the New York Foster care system by the tender age of six. Her experiences in the foster care homes along with her sisters and brother were brutal and abusive – installing fear early on. After finally getting settled in their new Christian home which seemed to be a fairy tale - so perfect, only to become the personal sex toy to some of the men closest to her for the next 4-5 years.


This torment caused her to be admitted to the mental health institution three times. Witnessing the abuse of her siblings, adoptive Mom and enduring abuse herself sent her on a downward spiral of hate and revenge! After a series of particular events she is introduced to the sex industry at the age of 16 in hopes to provide for herself, making smoking and drinking no longer recreational but a necessity. She began to realize things and her eyes were open to what seemed to be a world of its own. Curiosity always kills the cat but it didn’t stop Robyn from venturing out further into the deep! Feelings of Shame, emptiness, rejection, fear, loneliness, abandonment and defeat began to position Robyn for what was to come next in her life.


Seeing death in her reflection shook her to her very core. Fighting to get out became the fight of her life but she soon realized it couldn’t be done on her own. She finally realized that there was only ONE WAY OUT! Robyn’s vulnerable, transparent yet powerful story reveals the harsh realities of adult entertainment and the Sex industry. Her story is a journey of self discovery, self love, hope, acceptance and redemption.

Diaries of an Ex-Adult Entertainer E-Book

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